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New Patient Advice (from 8 June 2020)

Unfortunately, restrictions still prevent any routine treatment being carried out and we can still only see patients for urgent dental care (see below for further detail of an urgent case). If you require treatment please call us on 02844830111. You will be asked a series of COVID-19 screening questions. If we ask you to attend the practice, please follow the below:


  1. You will either have submitted via email your medical history and data consent form or you will attend 15 mins before your appointment to receive paper copies. These cannot be completed in the practice and you must bring your own pen.

    Please download the forms as a zip file or individually as below:


  2. Please telephone the practice to advise them you are waiting outside. If travelling by car, please wait in the car until you receive a further call to come to the front door.

  3. Upon arrival at the front door we will unlock it and let you in. The staff member meeting you will be wearing full PPE.

  4. You will be taken to a hand hygiene station where you will be asked to thoroughly sanitise your hands.

  5. Your temperature may be taken with a contactless infrared thermometer.

  6. You will be taken straight through to the surgery for treatment as we are limiting the use of the waiting area.

  7. Arriving at the Practice

  8. You will either have submitted via email your medical history and other documentation or you will attend 15 mins before your appointment to receive paper copies. These cannot be completed in the practice and you must bring your own pen.

  9. Please telephone the practice to advise them you are waiting outside. If travelling by car, please wait in the car until you receive a further call to come to the front door.

  10. Upon arrival at the front door we will unlock it and let you in. The staff member meeting you will be wearing full PPE.

  11. You will be asked to place any belongings into a secure box at reception to limit contamination of the surgery.


Unfortunately, our toilet facilities will not be in use so please keep this in mind prior to your appointment.


We may appear a little daunting in our PPE and the practice may look a little bare, but rest assured it is still the same team underneath doing our best to stop the spread.


We would also ask you to wear a mask or face-covering when you attend the practice to help enhance our infection control measures.


Further information can be found at the below websites:




Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the practice.





Further instruction from Health & Social Care Board:



The range of conditions considered to require urgent dental care include, but are not limited to:

· Life threatening emergencies, e.g. airway restriction, breathing or swallowing difficulties due to facial swelling
· Trauma including facial/oral laceration and/or dentoalveolar injuries, for example avulsion of a permanent tooth
· Oro-facial swelling that is significant and worsening
· Post-extraction bleeding that the patient is not able to control with local measures
· Dental conditions that have resulted in acute and severe systemic illness
· Severe dental and facial pain: that is, pain that cannot be controlled by the patient following self-help advice
· Fractured teeth or tooth with pulpal exposure
· Dental and soft tissue infections without a systemic effect
· Oro-dental conditions that are likely to exacerbate systemic medical conditions


You MUST call 02844 830111 to be triaged by telephone and will not be admitted entry to the practice unless instructed to attend. Dentists will be able to provide advice by telephone and arrange for treatment if necessary.


We ask that you do not attend the practice unless told to do so to avoid unnecessary trips and exposure to risk.


Your care is paramount to us and thank you for your understanding in these challenging times.




Recent instruction from Health & Social Care Board:


  • Dental Practices are ONLY OPEN FOR EMERGENCIES

  • You MUST call 02844 830111 to be triaged by telephone and will not be admitted entry to the practice unless instructed to attend

  • Dentists will be able to provide advice by telephone and arrange for treatment if necessary


We ask that you do not attend the practice unless told to do so to avoid unnecessary trips and exposure to risk.


Your care is paramount to us and thank you for your understanding in these challenging times.




The Head of Dental Services at HSC has advised:


  • We can lo longer examine and treat patients who are self-isolating

  • We can no longer examine or treat patients who are social distancing (patients over 70; 70 and under with underlying health conditions; and those who are pregnant). Treatment restricted to emergency care only for these patients.

  • Wherever possible, patients attend unaccompanied

  • We will note be allowed to use any dental equipment that creates spray, ruling out treatment for routine fillings, root treatments, crowns/bridges etc​



There is no indication in the new guidelines as to how long we can expect this situation to continue. We will provide you with updates on social media and via this website. We will be contacting patients over the coming days.


Your care is paramount to us and thank you for your understanding in these challenging times.

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